How To Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal
You need to follow many precautions after your wisdom teeth removal in which one of them is a proper way of sleeping!
Wisdom teeth removal is a complicated procedure after which lots of complications may occur if you don’t look after your oral health well.
Sleeping in an improper position after wisdom tooth removal can increase:
- Pain
- Bleeding
- Swelling
- Numbness
- Irritation
On the tooth extraction site.
However, you can get past many of these problems only by taking proper rest in the form of sleep.
Sleeping in an ideal position can give you better rest and help you get rid of the post-wisdom tooth removal complications quickly.
So, without waiting further, let’s dive in!
How To Sleep After Wisdom Teeth Removal
Here are some of the essential points, DO’s and DONT’s to follow while sleeping after your teeth removal.
Sleep in an elevated position
After any oral surgery, especially a wisdom tooth extraction, you should sleep in an elevated position for the first 2 – 3 days.
Doing so will help your body drain fluid from the tooth extraction site.
All in simple words, your head should be in an upright position (higher at the heart rate) whether you are sitting on a couch or sleeping on your bed.
How to sleep in an elevated position?
It’s quite simple!
Put a few pillows behind your back to gain proper support, and then sleep. That equals an angle of around 45 degrees.
Make sure you don’t slide off while sleeping because it can affect your elevated position.
Optionally, you can purchase a wedge pillow, which can help you maintain your elevated position correctly for the whole night.

What if I sleep in a flat position?
Laying flat on your back can increase the amount of swelling much more. What’s more, this can make the pain go severe, and it can also contribute to excessive bleeding from your extraction site.
Don’t sleep on your side or stomach
Sleeping on your side or stomach can give pressure to the extraction site.
In these positions, you can mistakenly put pressure over your cheeks.
Thus, it is recommended to avoid these two sleeping positions for about one week after wisdom teeth removal.
Take your medication before you sleep
Make sure you take all the prescribed medications suggested by your Dentist.
Those medications will fight against harmful infection and help you get better sleep at night if you feel severe pain.
If your Dentist has not prescribed you anything, then you can try Ibuprofen to control the pain (But with your own decision.)
Remove gauze from the mouth
Don’t forget to remove the gauze pad from your mouth before you sleep because there are higher chances that you may choke it while you are asleep.
According to experts, you should take the gauze pad out after 30 minutes of use.
Control your tongue while sleeping
Most people worsen their extraction site by touching it with their tongue during their sleep.
That’s a widespread mistake as nobody is conscious about their harm to their extraction site while asleep.
Try to avoid your tongue affecting you by your mistake at all costs.
Even when you are awake, protect your extraction area from the touch of any object, whether it is any solid food or just your tongue.
Control over-biting
Biting your teeth while sleep can affect the tooth extraction site.
Not only that, but it can also weaken your teeth and cause severe oral conditions.
Try to avoid this habit somehow to protect your teeth and extraction site.
How long should I sleep after wisdom teeth removal?
A long rest is essential after the wisdom teeth removal because sleeping helps lower the swelling, pain, and numbness from the extraction site, what’s more, it is one of the best ways to recover from post tooth extraction complications.
It would be okay if you took a sleep of at least 8 – 10 hours in the first week after surgery.
Not just asleep, you should also take a rest from other strenuous activities like sports, running, jumping etc.
Avoid all activities that can cause harm to your extraction site and instead, read books, watch movies, and surf the internet in an elevated position.
Take proper rest for at least 2 – 3 days after wisdom teeth extraction!
When can I sleep on my side after Wisdom Teeth Removal?
Most people habitually sleep on their side, but you should only sleep on your back for 3 – 7 days after oral surgery.
As mentioned above, it is highly recommended not to sleep on your side or your stomach because it can squish your cheeks, putting additional pressure on the extraction site.
What’s more, it will also direct more blood to the area with gravity, causing swelling and numbness in the gums.
I am sweating after wisdom teeth removal – what to do?
Sweating is a critical condition after wisdom teeth removal.
Fever with chills after wisdom teeth removal is also a condition that you may experience.
Contact your doctor if you are experiencing sweating or fever after the surgery.
Why tooth extraction hurts more at night or while asleep?
Built-up pressure from blood moving to your head may easily cause tooth pain.
The late-night sweet meal is one of the primary reasons for tooth pain; that’s why it is recommended not to take sweets at night.
Unconscious night grinding can also cause pain in your tooth.
Can I still sleep if my tooth extraction is still bleeding?
Well, bleeding does not last more than 24 hours after wisdom tooth extraction.
However, if it is still happening, do not sleep while keeping the gauze pad on your mouth.
But it is okay to sleep even if your tooth extraction site is bleeding. But try to overcome it sooner to avoid any serious problem.
Follow aftercare instruction for better sleep
Take better care of your oral health to gain a peaceful sleep.
The following are the essential tips to avoid any complications at night when following the day of wisdom tooth extraction.
- Apply ice and heat to the cheeks where surgery was performed
- Avoid physical activities for a couple of days.
- Drink plenty of water, but not with a straw
- Don’t smoke or use any tobacco.
- Avoid sweets, hot and spicy foods for at least 1 – 2 weeks.
The Bottom Line
Sleeping is beneficial after wisdom teeth removal, but only when you sleep in an elevated position.
Also, follow the other things that are important to gain proper sleep after surgery.
All in all, sleep well, take better care of your oral health, and be serious about the post-wisdom teeth complications.